Founder of Makena UR GF

What is the story behind the name “UR GF”? Why UR GF?

Who doesn’t want a girlfriend who makes stuff for them! My first big crochet project was a hilariously gigantic blanket for an old boyfriend, years ago. Last year I started crocheting pieces for friends as a gesture from their girlfriend, UR GF got its name from that sentiment. as my online community grew, UR GF stuck. It’s a “brand” but it’s just me, your girlfriend, and I love the closeness that creates. From the beginning of this project, each person who engages with UR GF has an identity within my dumb little world which makes it so much fun for me. 

What did you do before becoming an entrepreneur?

Before GF I avoided getting a 9-5 job at all costs!!! Call me a millennial but I just don’t *feel* like a “real job” is ~for~ me. That’s kind of a joke, but also not. I was a full-time yoga teacher the years leading up to GF, never without a million side hustles.

what are your main sources of inspiration?

The natural fibers that I work with, queer culture, reality tv (the trashier the better), y2k fashion (the uglier the better), Spongebob, The Simpsons, streetwear, The Simpsons streetwear, diva worship, contemporary and pop art, keeping noodle fed, my other #bossbabe friends lol, and britney spears period!!!.

Can you tell us what have been your main challenges in the process of starting a business?

My biggest challenge in this process has been to tune out unsolicited advice. I have been really intentional about staying in alignment with my own vision and not allowing myself to get distracted by what other people are doing, what people think of me, or what people think I should be doing. Starting this business has been a profound practice in setting and upholding boundaries for myself. Just like RuPaul says, unless they’re paying your bills, pay them bitches no mind!!!


How would you describe your personal style and how does it translate into your brand?

My personal style is underdressed or overdressed, and there is no in-between. I’m always trying to find a way to dress up my jammies or dress down something like an old bridesmaid dress. I will wear the same pair of cozy orange pants for weeks but also wear my chunkiest platform-iest loafers, well aware that I might be walking 5 miles that day and dealing with self-inflicted blisters. my personal style manifests in UR GF pieces in my desire to honor fashion as art, keep it fun, and keep it stupid. It is found in the pops of color, a mix of textures, and the use of natural fibers..

You are known to be a supporter of LGBT Communities and BLM. Can you give us some examples of how you support these groups as an entrepreneur?

I understand the privilege that I have as a white queer person and I want to use whatever platforms I have been given. I donate a portion of UR GF’s proceeds to LGBTQIA+ & BIPOC organizations and do what I can to keep myself and my page educated and engaged on important human rights issues.


As a founder who cares about the environment, what are some sustainable practices that one can incorporate into a small or medium-size business?

Besides the obvious choices when it comes to environmental impact, like choosing sustainable packaging and materials, I try to find creative ways to reduce, reuse and recycle! my scrap beanies are an example within my brand. I used my scraps from other projects, created beanies out of them, and now they’re some of my most loved pieces.

What would be your main advice to someone who wants to turn their hobby into their business?

Find the balance. keep it fun and keep it stupid! Find what it looks like for you to keep your hobby as your hobby even when you have a trillion custom orders waiting to be made. And most importantly, see the value in your artistry!!! Because you are what? Sickening!!! *throws my drink in your face*

How do you see UR GF five years from now? What is your vision for your brand? You do everything yourself and scaling might be hard. What do you see as the essence of the brand?

I’m really enjoying seeing GF take on a life of its own and however it evolves, I am here for it. My goal is to stay present with the brand. With that said, scaling for sure is my current challenge. as of now, I have enlisted the help of my extremely supportive partner and my fashion icon kid brother. I do hope to find ways to delegate tasks that support me in continuing to create. The essence of UR GF is relationship.



MAKENA – Wellness Guide

  • Plant rich beauty products. I love everything I have of theirs and you can get it at a literal drug store. We love!


  • Oil for everything and it smells so so good.


  • I love to use adaptogens (in v small doses) and moon juice is my go-to!


  • Shareable cannabis products.


  • Y’all gotta take your vitamins !! Woman-owned and even the vitamins are pretty.


  • “Made by humans with vaginas, for humans with vaginas.”


  • Oils and serums that smell and feel like heaven.



Makena – SUSTAINABLE Guide

  • Handmade, unique, gorgeous jewelry made from recycled materials by Rocio and Jorge. The brand shows a serious commitment to sustainability and activism, and produces gorgeous work. of my jewelry collection, my simuero ring is my favorite.


  • The best olive oil of your life! this husband and wife duo uses their creativity and extensive olive oil knowledge to produce delicious oil and amazing face and body products. My favorite part of my nightly routine is my wonder serum!


  • Beautiful and unique jewelry + wearables from the creative brain of Ava. Love her gemstone work!!


  • Small batch ceramics by Annie. The ceramics Annie produces are beautiful and unique, I have a few pieces of hers and I’m obsessed. They are fun, creative, weird, and cheeky in all the best ways.


  • Upcycled jewelry made from surf resin made by Abby who is a gem herself.


  • Healthy and conscious pantry staples made with organic high-quality ingredients (vegan+ GF!) by a dear friend Liz.


  • A local shop for me here on the central coast (so consider it also to be in my city guide!) featuring jewelry, natural apothecary, home goods, and one of a kind gifts curated by Shannon Len who has shown a beautiful dedication to sustainability and activism in our town.


Elisabet Corominas

I specialize in supporting entrepreneurs in the wellness and sustainability industries by helping them strategize their online and offline marketing plans as well as budding their brand image.
