Hi Dorothea, we are so happy to get to know you better! Can you tell us a bit about your background?

Hi, lovely connecting with you.

I was born outside Oslo, Norway, raised in Järna, Sweden. My earliest dreams as a child were working with horses or being an artist of some kind. My dreams shifted slightly when I found acting and the theater. I went to a theater-focused high school in Stockholm, where I was scouted to work as a model. Quite quickly, I moved to NY and had a strong career in the fashion industry...for over a decade actually, until I decided to unravel and re-commit to my deeper callings and purpose. I began to embark on the journey that requires us to be fully honest with ourselves, and trust the adventure to let go of anything that was not true, emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually... 

What was the turning point that made you leave a successful & promising career as a top model to become a holistic healer?

During those years, I was grateful to have the freedom to go back to school, and did breathwork training and other workshops, as well. I also simply read...a lot. Krishnamurti's Freedom from the Known was a significant one for me. The fire within was already ignited, but I would not speak about it too much yet. 

Summer of 2016, I had a strong feeling that I had enough, that I could not do work in the fashion industry any longer… It became very clear to me that I was here on earth to awaken, to find the honest authentic expression of the feminine, to help midwife the new earth. It was a vague intuitive knowing that I was here for something way bigger than the man-made world. The longing for my true nature came forth...dedicating many nights and days to better understand and experience the fabric of life and the human spirit embodied in form.


How did you become interested in breathwork and sound alchemy?

Sound alchemy came through strongly in one of my first plant ceremonies I attended. I could see light as sound and how it worked in the body and psyche. How it basically worked as a vacuum cleaner clearing any debris that was out of balance and stuck. I also began to receive these intuitive codes that I wasn't able to transcribe into words, but one clear way to transmit the information was using my voice, toning/channeling.

You are currently based in LA. What was it like for you to move from the Swedish countryside to the fuzz and buzz of Los Angeles? We hear you have plans to now move away from Los Angeles, tell us about your vision and when did that shift too?

Yes, I was a real country girl ha that ended up in NY at 17 years old, so the eventual move from NY to Santa Monica felt like it was full of opportunities to explore the gorgeous nature all around. I met the love of my life in Venice at Wholefoods, so LA will always have a special place in my heart. Yes, I and my fiance are exploring the possibility of being immersed in nature full time. Have horses again, and build a healing space.

What is sound alchemy and how can it help us heal?

The therapeutic tools of sound are deeply transformative and help the body to release stress, toxins, foreign energy, and lingering stagnations. It can decrease anxiety and depression, improve memory, reduce blood pressure & pain.

You outline your purpose as: “To remember our full potential and that we can live a life that is in service to our soul mission.” What are three main tips for us to find our soul´s mission or at least get closer to finding it?

A Three main tips would be:

I love the Ancient Greek aphorism "know thyself"... So a first tip could be to find the courage to look at ourselves clearly, with full honesty, and willingness to see truth, whatever it takes. Truth can be confrontational, it can shake us up. Capable of turning us upside down with our worldview and push us into the unknown. But all of this is a good thing if it comes from a pursuit of truth...you will always be guided, supported, and held.

Secondly, I'd remind anyone that love is the fundamental space of revelation, love is the aspect that will illuminate the shadow, and alchemize the shadow into fertile ground where we can plant new seeds aligned with our current understandings. 

Thirdly, Awareness is the key to knowing when we are acting from love or from fear, when we are in our separate selves, or lower selves, and when we are acting from grace/higher self.



What do you find the most challenging about owning a business? How do you face those challenges?

I would say the most challenging thing is when I feel the need to rest on a personal level, but also want to be "working":)!  Everything is ultimately a blessing and an opportunity to grow, see what is asking for more of our attention.  So when anything comes up, I look at it, I feel it, reframe it and I heal it.

We love your personal brand aesthetic. Can you tell us more about your brand’s creative process? What are your main sources of inspiration?

Thank you. For me it's a very intuitive process, just like my work. I feel into things and listen to what needs to be shared, what photos or words can express this deeper knowing of the human heart. My main sources of inspiration are nature, an energy of freedom, and alchemy/mysticism and the feminine.

How easy or challenging has it been to follow your true passion?

It’s been so beautiful and magical, I wouldn't change a thing, things are continually falling into place with increasing consilience. I feel grateful and honored to walk this path.

Where do you see yourself & your practice in 5 years? What is your next step?

I feel called to continue my journey into the unknown and be pleasantly surprised by the divine orchestration that my soul is cooking up. I will also be training with some of the wisdom keepers of the earth, moving forward. I’m very excited to deepen my love and learn more about the nature of consciousness. I’m hoping to build a space for healing and community and welcome anyone who feels called to walk the path less traveled.



dorothea – Wellness Guide



dorothea – SUSTAINABLE Guide

Elisabet Corominas

I specialize in supporting entrepreneurs in the wellness and sustainability industries by helping them strategize their online and offline marketing plans as well as budding their brand image. 

