What exactly is Human Design?

Human Design is the science of our aura. We all have an energetic body that's around two meters, three arms length around us. Everything in our life is matter - meaning everything in our life is a frequency and energy. Human Design helps us to understand what our own energetic body, our own energy and our own frequency is. It supports us so we can interact with the world with less resistance and create more flow in our life.

How did you learn about Human Design?

I learned about Human Design one evening when I was frustrated and bitter. I didn't know why my business back then wasn't successful. I was doing everything that I could for it to thrive.

I found a podcast where someone talked about being a Projector. I had no idea what a Projector was back then, but I knew immediately that this was exactly what I am. Suddenly, even though this sounds very exaggerated, everything in my life made sense.

I went down the Human Design rabbit hole, and it has changed and impacted my life in such a profound way that I feel honored to be able to share this knowledge with my community and the people I care about.


When did you decide to become a human design reader? What encouraged you to do so?

All my life I have always been very creative. I worked in fashion for fifteen years before doing Human Designs. I never got a proper degree, I quit school when I was sixteen to be the singer of a band. I always felt I was missing some kind of practical tool that I could turn to in times where things were more difficult. I felt the strong need to have something that I could contribute to. After finding Human Design I thought that I could be the quirky weird girl who tells her friends about Human Design to my friends during dinner, like other friends got out their guitar to play a song.

Due to some magical coincidence, I decided to do my Human Design training in February 2020. After a month of immersing myself in this training and I successfully finished it, the pandemic hit. All my fashion jobs were canceled or postponed indefinitely and I was at a crossroad because I have a young daughter and needed to find a way to make money.

I chose to step out of the spiritual closet and started talking about Human Design on my Instagram. The feedback was amazingly positive and I have never looked back ever since.

What are the different characteristics of Human Design?

Energy Types

There are five archetypes in Human Design called the Energy Types - every single being on this planet fits into one of these categories. There is the Projector (I am a Projector), which is around 20-22% of the population. 38% of society are Generators as well as between 7% and 8% of Manifestors. More than that there is the hybrid out of Generator and Manifestor, the Manifesting Generator that is around 33% of the people. Last but not least there is what we call the unicorn of Human Design, the Reflector. The energy type tells you how you work energetically in addition to how you communicate with the universe.


One of the things that differentiates Human Design from astrology, is that you have numerous very tangible action steps that you can start implementing in your daily life right away. This can support everyone to align energetically with who they are and their authenticity. One of these action steps is the strategy and each energy type has their own unique strategy. For the Projector it is to wait for the invitation, to inform for the Manifestor, to respond for the Generator and the Manifesting Generator, and to wait a lunar cycle for the Reflector.


Authority is one of the most important keys in Human Design. It is the tool that shows you how to make the best decisions in your life. Society teaches us to make decisions with the mind. If we think about it enough, if we make a list of pros and cons, then and only then we will make the right decisions. Human Design teaches that we all have an inner system inside of us, an authority inside of us which is our inner compass. If we listen to it and make decisions from our inner authority, we are able to make the best decisions for us in life. With each decision we are getting one step closer to our purpose.


The profile is the karma you've come to correct in this lifetime. It consists of two different numbers ranging from one to six. The goal is to find harmony within the meaning of these two numbers.

In Human Design, it is not about having a certain type of job or a job title that will mark your success. In Human Design is about how you fill your role, your karma, every day with the people in your life who will bring you to the path of your purpose.

Energy Centers

Everyone has energy centers, similar to the chakras, which are connected to a different emotion, a different attribute and characteristic of your personality and your life. These emotions, attributes, and characteristics are connected to different parts of your body. In Human Design you can see for example if you have illnesses how they are connected to energy overflow or stuck-ness in the centers. You can look at how much you can take on from the world outside and how much grounding energy you carry within you. In the energy centers, you have different numbers that range from one to 64. These are the numbers connected to the I-Ching. They will tell you about your greatest gifts to share with the world as well as the numbers can tell you how they can look when they're expressed negatively. A Human Design reading will show you how you are able to move from the negative pole into your light, positive and purposeful self.

Go to www.maikegabriela.com and go to “ Get my chart” to learn about your unique Human Design. Including your Energy Type, Strategy, Authority, and Energy Centers. You will be directed to and you can get access to your Human Design chart.

What is the greatest impact that acknowledging your Human Design has had in your life and journey?

What a great question. The biggest impact that Human Design has been showing me in my life and on my journey to be able to accept who I am. I am now able to fully embrace my authenticity and live on this planet with humbleness and honoring who I've come to be in this lifetime.

I always tried to accomplish things that society had told me I had to accomplish, and every time I would accomplish one of these things, I would still be unhappy and I would still not be fulfilled, and it just felt like I was in this hamster wheel. Like a lot of people around me, I was trying to get to a place that seemed unreachable. I have an autoimmune disease. I got very sick because I was constantly living out of alignment with my own energetic truth, and finding Human Design saved me from getting even sicker.

Furthermore, Human Design has helped me to create a beautiful business in which I feel so fulfilled and satisfied. I am grateful every day to be able to connect to beautiful souls and get to know them on a deep level. All of this has impacted my whole life in the most positive way I would have never imagined. In a nutshell, Human Design has given me full permission to be me and embrace all the things that I thought were shameful and share them with love and acceptance. Doing the same with and for the people in my life has helped me accept and love my friends, my family, my community with a much greater open heart because I understand their uniqueness 100%.

Is a human design reading intended to address a specific situation in our life, or is this something general that can help us understand more about our 1000 personalities?  

A Human Design reading is great for whatever the circumstances are. It will help you to understand yourself better, to access self-love, and to see the bigger picture of your life. We do so many workshops, we work on our self-growth, we see a therapist and we untangle our past - all these are amazing tools, but to me personally, Human Design is just this new layer of really understanding the alignment of your own individual energetics. To me, that is one step beyond those very tangible tools that we have had until now.

Human Design is great to address specific situations such as health or business, but I think in general, for everybody to understand your own kids better, to understand your work colleagues better, to understand your parents better, to understand your partner better, these are all the topics Human Design can support you with.


In which circumstances can a Human Design reading be extra supportive?

Human design meetings can be executive if you're going through a tough patch in your life and you're not understanding why things are not aligned, or you're not understanding why you're feeling so much resistance if you're having a hard time finding a job that you feel passionate about if you're having a hard time getting out of bed in the morning and you feel a little bit depressed. If you have a serious condition from Hiro to our immune, there are so many things that we can look at in the human design, try to understand if you have digestive issues, if you have sleep issues if you have sexual reproductive issues, all these things, I think that we can look at through the human design lens, it can be exported in your business, working with other people, in your partnership and your relationship with your children, it is really something that such deep and is so deep and has so many different layers that I can...

Absolutely. Yeah, that I can absolutely support you in any circumstance that you're going through. 

How can Human Design help us in our relationships and careers?

Through Human Design we are able to understand why someone is different from us and why they're reacting the way they're reacting and/or making decisions. How someone is making decisions or moves through life that seems contrary to our own course of action.

These are some ways how Human Design can be of great help in understanding our relationships better. Furthermore, you can get a greater idea about someone's consistency in their structure or why your vis-a-vis is supposed to go more with the flow. We can look at their Human Design chart and see if the person has an emotional reaction to things, how their reaction is, so we can give them the space to make their decisions. We can look at how each other's Human Design aligns or does not. We can acknowledge each other's sexual and/or mental chemistry. We get the opportunity to really look deep into how we can match and on what levels we connect, but also what differentiates us and how to have more understanding as well as empathy. It gives us tools to support our partners to become more authentic, more aligned, and more satisfied with their own lives and with their careers.

Most importantly Human Design shows us for our career why things are not working out for us. Do not forget that society gives us structure that we're all supposed to function under, but we are all individuals with our unique traits which makes us special and makes us stand out. If we try to fit in this mold that society and/or media has given us, you will not find your own unique path, and will always try to walk someone else's path. Maybe that can be successful for some of us, but you will always be the most successful when you find your own path to express your uniqueness and authenticity to the max.

Is there a relationship between Human Design, astrology, and eastern philosophies? If so, how?

Human Design consists of astrology - there are two types of astrology in your Human Design chart - the conscious design and the unconscious design.

You have the ancient knowledge of the I-Ching within Human Design, which comes from the Chinese philosophy together with the mystic side of Judaism, the Kabbalah. More than that the chakras play a big part in Human Design, even though we call them energy centers. There are 7 chakras, in Human Design there are 9 energy centers because there are two more awareness centers, the spleen, and the solar plexus.

In 2027 we move into the new paradigm. From then there will be 11 chakras/energy centers in Human Design. Besides, Human design encompasses quantum physics and genetics.

To get your Human Design chart you need to have your birthday, birth time, birthplace ready, so we can discover your genetic roadmap, which is called The Body graph, you can look this up on my website, www.mybodygraph.com.

What is a common misconception about Human Design?

The common misconception about Human Design is that it's going to tell you what your job title should be, or what exactly you're supposed to do. Human Design is a much broader and wider, more spiritual practice in the same way as it is a very grounded, logical practice. Human Design will not tell you exactly what your job description will be, because your life and purpose is so much bigger than that. Human Design will make you understand how powerful you are, what impact you have, and what a unique experience you're meant to have on this planet in this lifetime.

You're a deconditioning expert. Can you tell us what deconditioning means and how it is related to Human Design?

Deconditioning is the process of removing all beliefs and patterns that we pick up from societal programming or our caretakers while we grow up. Deconditioning is to align with who we've come to be authentically in this lifetime.

I believe that our soul comes as a whole into this world and knows exactly what experiences, what relationships as well as material things, and what opportunities are meant for us. All of these things are stored in our personal iCloud and our aura has the password to download these things that are meant for us in this life into our reality, into our experience. What happens is that the process of conditioning is like this layer of brown slime that is sticking on top of our aura not allowing our soul to communicate freely with the universe.

So this conditioning, this slime, is put upon us from the moment we are born. Our surroundings, our parents or caretakers and teachers, the system, society, will strip away our authenticity.

When we show our real self, and that is not accepted by our surroundings, part of this wholeness that we've come with into this life, breaks down. A part of us gets stuff deep inside us because it's too shameful to recognize. We lose a part of our whole self, which in psychology is also called the Lost itself. This painful experience creates this vastness inside of us, and we try to fill this emptiness through success, recognition of our work, intense relationships or material things, substances that are trying to numb and distract us from that pain.

The process of deconditioning is really about digging up the part of ourselves that we've lost, or we're too ashamed, or is too painful to accept and integrate it to get back to that original wholeness. Through that process, we can take off that slime, overwrite it to be able to communicate with the universe so we get in alignment and receive the things that we are meant to receive and live the life that we're meant to live.

You've been talking about an upcoming paradigm shift that will happen in 2027. Can you tell us what it's all about? Do you think the pandemic has something to do with it?

In Human Design in 2027 we talk about the new paradigm shift. This simply means that right now we're at the end of a life frequency which in Human Design is called the Cross Of The Planning. This describes the influence we've had the past 2000 years. It has been all about discipline, institutions, our authorities, like religion, politics, schools, and putting structure into place. The structure is something we needed asa collective because we came from The Neandertaler where everything was very animalistic and primal. We really needed these 2000 years of structures to bring us to this new life cycle that is starting in 2027 called the Cross Of The Sleeping Phoenix. In this upcoming phase we will see how we move into a more individualistic era. It will be all about understanding who we are, our interest around our authenticity, our purpose.

Who am I? What makes me? Who are you? What are your patterns? What are your traumas?

These are the conversations we will have with ourselves and others. They're going to be the most interesting and fascinating to us from 2027 on.

I do believe that the pandemic has accelerated many things so we actually are able to do the transition in 2027.

As I said, we're already in the middle of the paradigm shift, and we start to see that some of the authorities we held on to in the past are no longer holding as much power as they used to on a global scale.

If we look at religion, it does not have the power that it used to have. If we look at the government, the way that we think about politicians has absolutely changed if we look back 20, 30 years ago. The same with the school system. How many people do not believe in the school system at the moment? Even if we look at the university system in the USA, how much in depth a student is making to get an education.

There are a lot of things that we used to believe very strongly, we see them slowly crumbling. We are moving into this new era where it's going to be the first time in history where we really have the time and the alignment to discover what it means to be human, what it means to be asked, what it means to be me, and what it means that you are you.

People meet you through social media with a German name, you speak Spanish, and you share in English. Tell us a bit more about your background and story and how it has impacted your own path.

I'm born originally in Germany and I grew up in Barcelona, Spain. So even though my mother tongue is German, I feel more comfortable talking in Spanish. And English has always been my favorite language.

In the beginning, I started sharing in Spanish about Human Design on Instagram because I felt it would be a better niche. Then I realized that my main market is actually English and German. That's why you'll find me speaking mostly in these two languages on social media.

To be totally honest, I'm sharing all the information in English because I believe that it's the language that connects to the biggest audience. English is a language I personally love speaking and listening to, and so that's why I do mostly everything in English. I enjoy it a lot, and I think it's specific to everyone, and everybody's account in which they want their business to go. I think for some people, it is very smart to do it in their mother tongue or the language of the country they're based in. But for me right now, English is what makes the most sense.



maike gabriela – Wellness Guide

  • I am currently obsessed with Uzza skincare, a small skincare line created by my friend Salima in Barcelona that uses Marocain botanicals to create the most gentle skincare.

    I use Rose's smile daily.


  • My current favorite is a CBD infused oil that will give you a restful and deep relaxing sleep. This magical Sleep Elixir created by my friend Zakir Maqsood, although not on the market yet, is a small batch of artisanal formula created for his friends.


  • My go to hyaluronic acid is by this brand called Zelens and is giving my skin a plumping moisturizing effect I was looking for a while.


  • For the summertime I love some fresh-looking blush, the “She’s that Girl” color combos by Patrick Ta’s vegan non-toxic makeup line has been my favorite so far.



Maike gabriela – SUSTAINABLE Guide

  • My absolute favorite brand is by my power house friend Kati called KM by Lange. She does the most amazing clothes. I love her dresses, two piece sets and suits made from sustainable produced materials supporting local artisanship. All items are made by women in her home country.

    When you wear her pieces you connect and express your personal values in a way that makes you glow.


  • Bettter.us is a new brand started by Ukranien fashion editor Julie Pelipas which is introducing a new kind of garments through upcycling. I am a super fan of those who are innovating the game from the inside.


  • Frooty.es is my local veggie supplier, every month I get a beautiful curated box of fresh fruits and veggies delivered to my house with CO2 friendly transport. Everything is organic and locally produced and tastes absolutely delicious. Nacho the owner who is only 23 years odl is making a huge shift in how we perceive and consume organic food in our city. Can’t wait to see what he's up to next.


Elisabet Corominas

I specialize in supporting entrepreneurs in the wellness and sustainability industries by helping them strategize their online and offline marketing plans as well as budding their brand image. 

