Hi John, you are currently working as a Mobility/Fitness Trainer in Savannah, GA.  You are seen to the eyes of the world as a super active and health-conscious person who loves being outside. How would you describe your focus within wellness in a sentence?

My mission is to expand the body’s ability to MOVE!


How did you become so passionate about mobility and sports medicine? Do you have a background in gymnastics or other sports?

In grad school my body was broken; I couldn’t touch my toes, squat past parallel, and I’d have back pain after most workouts. My perspective on what a physical practice had to change. I began by putting an emphasis on daily mobility work. As my body started moving like it should I began working on skills and challenging my body-mind connection more and more. I now share my experience and research with others.

Why is mobility training important and what benefits does it have?

Mobility is the key for all physical practices. If your body doesn’t have the ability to move in the positions your practice demands then the likelihood of injury is going to go up and your performance will be limited.


What are the principal health issues associated with poor movement capacity?

Joint issues and muscle tears would be the top things. When your body doesn’t have the movement capacity needed for the physical task you are asking of it, it’s going to force movement elsewhere and that’s when we get injured. These could be immediate injuries or something that takes a few months to present itself. With any movement, especially with weights, if you feel like you're forcing the position in some way, take a space back and figure out what you need to work on. I also believe limited movement capacity leads to the adoption of a sedentary lifestyle. If your body doesn’t move well and/or you’ve been injured in the past you’ll be more likely to choose the “safer” lazy activities.

What does your regular physical practice look like?

5-6 strength sessions a week centered around the development of bodyweight skills. 3 mobility sessions a week: front split, middle split, and back bridge. Also 1-2 light runs or boxing sessions per week.

What has been one of the biggest challenges in your journey so far?

Not resting enough. It can be easy to forget that the body needs to take a day or even a week off from time to time. Oftentimes I will do a session just because it’s on the schedule, not taking into consideration how sore I am and the fact that I haven’t taken a day off in 2 months. Our bodies need time off every now and then to reach optimal results, especially with mobility work if you are continuously cranking on sore under recovered muscles your progress will plateau or even decline. With any physical practice be it mobility, strength, or endurance-based your body can’t always be going at 100%, if you get into a session and you recognize your body isn’t feeling it go for a long walk instead - your future self will thank you.

You practice cold baths. What are the major benefits you’ve found in this practice?

Exposing your body to cold water is an incredible way to experience a eustress (good stress) that will help the body fight off/efficiently deal with negative stressors (bullshit like: worrying about what other people think, anything work related, election results, anxiety, etc...). When you're in the water you are literally dealing with STRESS to get through the temperature change. Do that consistently and boom you can handle stress better.

Besides fitness, what other things are you passionate about?

Cooking, my wife is a chef, and learning from her and cooking with her is always a fun experience. Paddleboarding, being out on the water is so relaxing and adding in a fun workout makes it even better! Reading a good spy novel can have me locked in for hours.


What or who is your main source of inspiration?

My wife - seeing her hard work in business and life keeps me driven.

Can you please share some of your favorite health habits you would recommend to anyone?

Create a daily mobility routine. Given our modern culture most everyone is sedentary for more than half the day, you need to have a routine to help counteract this. Start with 10-15 minutes.

What advice can you give to people who struggle to find the motivation to stay consistent in their fitness/mobility journey?

Start with just 10-15 minutes daily and build from there. Also, recognize that you only get ONE body, do you really want to mess it up?

How do you think you have become an influence on Instagram and how do you see yourself evolving in social platforms?

I began years ago by sharing my Movement Journey and I think that resonated with a lot of people who were also struggling to move better. I will continue along the same path, sharing my journey toward better movement and then insights that get me there.



John Lindsey – Wellness Guide

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Elisabet Corominas

I specialize in supporting entrepreneurs in the wellness and sustainability industries by helping them strategize their online and offline marketing plans as well as budding their brand image. 

