Founder of Luna Volta

Where were you born and raised?

I was born in northern California where my dad was stationed in the military. My family moved around a bit when I was a baby but settled into the coastal town of Virginia Beach, Virginia where I spent most of my adolescence. I studied at Virginia Tech near the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains before moving to New York City in 2011.

You now live in San Diego. What are some of your favorite nature places + restaurants to hang out with friends over for brunch, dinner or tea/juice?

I am incredibly lucky to live near the water. When getting together with friends, I always try to meet them at the bay or the beach. There is nothing like the fresh ocean air and a walk.

Who or what inspires you for creativity?

Definitely being outdoors. Working for myself, I spend a lot of time alone and indoors. Whenever I am stuck in a creative rut, I find that something as simple as taking a walk around the block helps get the creative juice flowing.

What industry were you in before you started Luna Volta? What made you transition?

I worked in the fashion industry in New York City working one-on-one with artists – photographers, stylists, hair, and makeup artists – and artist agencies to craft their brand identities and curate their artist portfolios.

A summer of #vanlife reconnected me to nature and to being outdoors, something I felt was missing in my NYC lifestyle. Shortly after my trip, I packed up my NY apartment and made the full move out west to be closer to what I loved and to focus on launching Luna Volta.

What does Luna Volta stand for?

Luna Volta is a woman-owned, plant-based wellness company committed to honoring our planet. We focus on regenerative hemp and believe in quality, design, and planet as our core values. The name itself: The name was ideated on a #vanlife trip across America’s National Parks where I camped every night underneath the light of the moon. Inspired by the Earth, the Moon, and the Stars, Luna Volta is the Italian translation of “Moon Time”.

What is CBD and what determines a high quality?

CBD (cannabidiol) is one of many compounds found in the cannabis and hemp plant. Many factors can determine high quality, but the most important is that the hemp was grown using organic practices. Hemp acts as a bioaccumulator, meaning it can pull toxins out of the soil (great for cleaning up soil, but not so great to consume). Hemp grown for its compounds (like CBD) should be grown using organic, and in our case, using regenerative practices to draw down carbon and ensure a healthy long soil life of the land it is grown on.


Packaging made of flowers. That is so amazing. Why was packaging so important to you? Tell us about it.

When building the brand, I noticed that so much of the conversation around sustainability in enterprise is about doing ‘less bad’. I wanted to instead use a whole systems approach of thinking beyond a closed loop, and actually delivering a net positive outcome. The packaging for our first product NOVA is handmade from 100% post-consumer waste and is embedded with non-invasive wildflower seeds during the process. The box is printed with soy-based inks and is not only fully biodegradable, but plantable as well. Plant your box in ¼” soil, water daily, give positive affirmations, and watch wildflowers grow. Wildflowers can benefit our declining bee population, which is crucial for food pollination. It is a win-win for us as a brand, you as the consumer who gets to participate, the collective as earth dwellers alongside our wonderful bees, and for our planet.

How long since the idea to launch of the product?

I founded the company in 2017 and spent a year and a half working behind the scenes to get our first product ready to launch, building a network in the industry, and sourcing earth-friendly packaging materials. The first thing I did was to dive into cannabis science to get a proper understanding of the how and why behind the plant. I studied cannabis botany & compounds, the endocannbinoid system, consumption science, client care, and leadership & advocacy before creating our first product, which we launched in early 2019.

What’s your day to day as an entrepreneur?

Every day is truly different. We are still small and so I wear many hats. One day I could be prepping product for our seasonal lookbooks, the next day I could be sourcing packaging elements for a new product, and the next day I could be connecting with our wholesalers. I am always shifting gears depending on what is priority. It helps to have daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly goals to keep us on the right trajectory.

How or where do you discharge any stress?

Movement – exercise is the best medicine for me. I enjoy running, indoor cycling, yoga, and functional movement. I also have a meditation practice that helps keep me centered.

Where did you find a community to support you?

I like connecting with people outside of my industry, because I know my industry. I want to learn about what is happening in the world outside of what I know. I am a naturally curious person and so I do this by following my interests. There is almost always a way to connect two worlds, even if it’s simply through a conversation. Another good tip is to look for events shaped around your own personal core values.

For me, planet conservation is one of my biggest personal passions and when I find people who have the same core value but are applying it in different ways to the world they know, that is what excites me and leads to the best connections and conversations.

With so many new CBD brands appearing, how do you stay centered on your own project and how do you differentiate yourself?

We really focus on taking a regenerative approach to personal and planetary wellness, beyond just CBD and even beyond hemp. CBD was our catalyst because it is an incredible compound, but it is only one of many fascinating and useful compounds in the hemp plant. We concentrate on using full spectrum extract, meaning there is more than just isolated CBD in our products. There is an entire plant matrix of compounds (cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids, & plant matter) that all work together to produce an effect, what is known as the ‘entourage effect’. Our topical products mix plant botanicals and skin-loving oils as well and we are just as passionate about the combination of these ingredients, as we are about them individually.

We know you’re experienced in fashion which allows people to see the product and know they want it when making the decision of purchasing online. Is there any refundable policy for Luna Volta since it is about the effects and usage?

We do now offer trial size bottles of our NOVA so that a consumer can get an understanding for how to use a tincture if the process is new to them, see the quality, and experiment with dosing. Every trial comes with 15% off a future purchase so you can continue to experiment with our products.

Any online or offline communities you recommend being part of?

I think offline connection is hugely important in our modern technology-driven world. I much prefer to gather in person. I recommend following your personal interests. For example, when I first started getting into meditation, I began attending a NYC group of modern meditators, Medi Club, who hosts monthly gatherings with a group meditation that leads to breakout conversations. Lately I’ve been really into learning more about adaptogenic mushrooms and I recently joined my local Mycological Society so I can learn from experts and find community with fellow fungi-curious people.


If you had the opportunity to be broadcasted with an audience of 5 Million people and had to speak about sustainability, what would be your two sentence advice to the general public to impact through the way they consume?

Our planet has been severely degenerated since even before the Industrial Revolution. We must first regenerate before we can sustain. Regeneration on planet Earth is possible, and it begins with the soil.

What are 3 things you do that make you feel good and that could be inspiration for others?

Exercise – any kind! Go for a walk, a run, a yoga class, a cardio session. Whatever you like. I always feel better after getting some movement in.

Meditation – FREE. I try to sit for at least ten minutes a day in quiet. Some days are harder than others to drop in but the continual practice of taking time to slow down, breathe, and recalibrate has been hugely helpful for me.

Cook – When I lived in NYC, I lived off of take-out and office snacks, rarely cooking for myself. Living a slower paced lifestyle in CA has given me more flexibility to cook for myself. I eat mostly plant-based now and try to use local, in-season produce whenever possible. Not only am I saving money, I feel healthier while simultaneously lowering my carbon footprint. Win-win.



Kayla – Sustainable Guide

  • Where my passion for regenerative agriculture blossomed.


  • My family’s bee farm (female & veteran owned!).

    Small batch, sustainable honey launching soon 


  • I use my reusable produce bags every time I shop. They also double as perfect packing cubes, and I’ve even used them for several beach clean-ups at my local beach.


  • Sustainable swimwear


  • Sustainable fabrics, clothing made locally in LA


  • Handmade from plants, rooted in love. Artisanal bags for the untamed woman.


  • Warm Collective is a collaborative space dedicated to empowering the female voice, creating elevated experiences, conscious collaborations and supporting sustainable brands. You can find Luna Volta in their sustainable skincare section with a 4 star accountability rating.


  • Svn Space is a female-focused multimedia platform dedicated to educating the mainstream on the lifestyle benefits of cannabis, with a focus on Hemp.


  • Luna Volta is a plant-based wellness company committed to honoring our planet, focused on regenerative hemp.


Elisabet Corominas

I specialize in supporting entrepreneurs in the wellness and sustainability industries by helping them strategize their online and offline marketing plans as well as budding their brand image.
